5 Ways to Increase your sales


If you’re in business, surely you’d want to make a lot of sales? One key thing to remember is, the easier you make it for people to do business with you, the more business you will do. Not everyone will have the internet, those that do, might not come to your location as they prefer to buy online. Think of all types of people and how you will reach them with your products or services.

1. Retail – if you have a fixed location where your customers can browse your items this could bring you in more sales if done right. Lets say you are a clothing shop, once a week change your manikins in the window and showcase your stock with the latest trends. Have a welcoming changing room, so your customers feel relaxed and willing to try on items. Be attentive to your customers, offer help, now and again but, not too much as this can be very off putting for a customer. Your customer might have just popped in to browse but, if all the above is done correctly, you have a happy customer leaving with a number of items. Including a new dress which they wear that night and their friends want to know, where they got it from because they want one to, which leads me to number 2.

2. Recommendation – It is said that an unhappy customer will tell more people than a happy one so, the key is to always do your best so you have a happy customer buying/using your products or services. Always deal with complaints efficiently as people will also talk about the way you handled, or didn’t handle their complaint. The best advertising is from a customer recommendation. Your job is to make all your customers become fans of what you sell or provide. You could look at doing incentives for your customers or clients, offer them a discount voucher on their next purchase or 10% off their annual fee. People love getting freebies and incentives, think about what you could offer as a freebie, or think about what incentives or offers you like to receive yourself.

3. Online – If you have an online shop this means anyone in the world can buy from you. While this might sound great, you will have to consider supply and demand. Do you or can you supply enough stock? Having an online shop is great but, think of your customers. Postage could be seen as a barrier to buy multiple items, look at offering a set amount no matter how many items they buy, or a special offer to encourage your customers to buy more, for example; buy more than 3 pairs of shoes and get free delivery. What if they need to return items, this could put them off buying from you in the first place. It’s almost guaranteed that you will get items returned to you, look at offering a free returns service, or courier collection service or, if you have a retail shop, you could accept in-store returns for those customers who can get to you.

4. Networking – A vast number of businesses nowadays partake in networking. It’s a great way to build great relationships with likeminded people. This new relationship will lead to great things. Offer help/support where you can, invite them to other events you might know of, introduce them to other people you know, refer work to them where you can and before you know it, you have a great relationship with someone as likeminded as you. Who’s products or services do you think they will be recommending to their friends and families, yours, or Mr Blogs down the road who they pass on the way to work? Relationships in business is vital, it’s not what you know it’s who you know.

5. An event – If you’re taking part in a fair or trade show, make sure you stand out. All trade shows look the same and the visitors will be seeing a lot of people/stalls, you need to make sure you stand out from the rest. Try dressing up, having an interactive stall showcasing your products, discount vouchers or run a competition.

If this blog has given you ideas please tweet and share this post to others. If you would like more ideas and inspiration why not get a copy of our 57 Ways to Grow your Business book, follow this link and click post me a copy, and i’ll send you a free book in the post.

If you would like to talk to us about your business and get some ideas on how we can help you with the growth of your business contact me by clicking this link.

Hope to see you back soon.

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Incorporate video into your business

Using video is a powerful way for generating sales. You can include comprehensive product demonstrations and user testimonials, all without having to make a sales call. It  can expand your market area, shorten your sales cycle and reduce the amount of time you would otherwise have spent face-to-face with customers.
Include video clips on your website, Youtube.com is one of the largest search engines, so create your own Youtube channel.
Here’s how we have incorporated video in our business click here, what do you think? Have you incorporated video in your business yet? Leave your comments below.
If you want more ways to grow your business get a copy of our free book by clicking here, or Click here and contact Sharon Rose-Bloy for a free meeting.

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Business in Grimsby – What’s it really like?

This week, I have interviewed Delaney Marling Partnership Ltd (DMP) for their thoughts on, what it’s really like for businesses in Grimsby.
Delaney Marling Partnership has 7 successful years in business under their belt. Forming in Hull but, always providing the Grimsby Area with their services. One of their first jobs on the South Bank was to inspect a night club in Cleethorpes. There are some great resources in Grimsby which brings businesses together with other likeminded businesses. Delaney Marling Partnership says, thanks to The Business Hive in Grimsby and the South Humberside Business Network, we have met a high number of great Grimsby businesses. They have put a lot of time into getting to know local businesses, and fully enjoy the new relationships they have made with local Grimsby Businesses. For Delaney Marling Partnership, having a business in Grimsby has had an increased impact of business, mainly on the residential survey side of what they do. Delaney Marling Partnership see Grimsby business to be diverse, as the Humber joins together to build a regional hub for food/energy, Grimsby is smack bang in the right place. DMP think the biggest challenge to Grimsby business’ is being positive and believing in what they do DMP say their biggest challenge is getting their brand known in the industrial/commercial sectors and letting Grimsby business’ know what they do and how they can assist as Chartered Building Surveyors. It takes time and results don’t always come immediately but can take months or years. When I asked “to enable you to run a successful business, what do you feel you couldn’t be successful without?” There answer was many things, but mainly a great business partner and support from friends and family. There are a few things we might be able to help you with if you’re a local business, not only are we a service driven firm but we also help businesses flourish with our business advise and business growth help. Get a copy of one of our books by clicking here.
What do you think, do you face similar challenges, and what couldn’t you do business well without? Leave your comments below.
For support in your business, or for a free meeting contact me on 01472 345888 or email me your enquiry to sharon.rose-bloy@aprobinson.biz

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Is your accountant worthy of a #WorldCup trophy?



You might think an accountant is just someone who does your tax returns, bookkeeping or VAT. You might even stereotype accountants as “Number Crunchers but, when I meet people, I can’t help myself when I ask “what would your dream accountant be, or what would your dream accountant do for you” People tend to answer with “I would like an accountant who would get my figures right”, or “I would like an accountant who will never land me with a late payment penalty.” what would your answer be? When I say “What about an accountant who pushes you to grow your business or points out your faults to help you improve, or talks to you in a language you understand, so you can fully appreciate where your accountancy fees are being spent or what about being kept up to date with the latest changes that could affect you or your business, or being invited to free business events” I find myself with puzzled face’s looking at me.

Like many businesses out there we as a firm have evolved into something bigger and better. Our mind set of looking out for number 1, YOU, is always first and foremost. I would love to help you if you want to experience an evolving accountancy firm. I promise your perception of accountants will change.

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Protect your business this summer

Gosh what a hot weekend we had, even though the radio said it would be hotter than Ibiza, you never really know what to think with UK weather. Saturday was great, catching up with friends doing a little bit of shopping before relaxing on the park. Later that night my back, neck and shoulders started to hurt, it quickly dawned on me that I had sun burn! Even though I had been wearing SPF30 and wasn’t in the sun that long, I still burnt!
Make sure you can fully enjoy yourself this summer, don’t let your business get burnt. If you have ANY worries or concerns about your business, or if your current accounting, payroll, bookkeeping or tax return services aren’t quite giving you the protection and stress free summer you deserve, give me a call or email me sharon.rose-bloy@aprobinson.biz and quote “SPF My Business”
Get your business SPF protection and enjoy your summer.

Agree? Disagree? Do let Unknown know what you think by commenting below.




Technology is all-encompassing in the modern era and we all rely on a burgeoning amount of online data.

Indeed, this past week has seen the public release of a new electronic ‘health atlas’ for England and Wales, devised by the Imperial College in London. This innovative online tool is a collection of interactive colour-coded maps that illustrate the relative geographical risks of various health conditions. This is an invaluable resource for the general public and will help understand and explain why disease risk can be more prevalent in certain environments. Quite simply, users will enter their postcode to assess the health and environmental risks in their neighbourhood (www.envhealthatlas.co.uk).

The link between the environment, pollutants­­ and our health is powerful intellectual capital for the Government. The data will ultimately help us all to better understand the air quality around us, the cleanliness of our water supply and even the levels of sunshine and pesticides!

As a leading exponent of information and data ourselves, AP Robinson are offering our very own free health check at this moment in time – for your business! In order for any organisation to thrive, it needs careful cultivation and we offer free courses and events throughout the year.

Like the health atlas too, our services cover every single postcode in the country! We are proudly based in Grimsby – yet our expertise covers the full geographical spectrum of the UK. Our value also transcends economic disparities between different regions of the country, too. We are keen to provide services that suit every budget – wherever you live.

We are not just accountants – we are business advisors too – and we love to help everybody prosper through innovation and cutting edge support.

Of course, we will all be using the new ‘health atlas’ – yet the only true guarantee in life is that optimum health will be enjoyed through engaging with A P Robinson!

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Always resolve your complaints



If your customers have complaints that are appropriately resolved, they can become better customers than those who haven’t complained.

Authorise your staff to fix problems without any “run around”, just as they do at Ritz Carlton Hotels. Give your staff the authority to send a customer a bottle of wine, flowers or whatever is appropriate – this becomes part of your company’s “WOW” factor.

Some people look forward to a complaint as they see it not as a negative, but a way to improve. When you receive a complaint, try to look at it as a customers view of how and where you can improve. Resolve your customers complaint appropriately and quickly, taking on board all they have shared with you and turn this into a positive and look at where you can change, so this issue doesn’t happen again.

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What do your customers really think?


Person Pondering a Question

Undertaking a survey of your customers should go beyond the issue of customer satisfaction. You want to enhance your understanding of your customers’ needs and wants, recognise your weaknesses and identify new opportunities to expand your business. Some customers may be reluctant to give you their real, unbiased opinions if you conduct your own survey, so consider using a neutral party to conduct your survey for you.

Decide exactly what you want to find out before you launch the study and pre-test your questions, as there are always some that are misunderstood or misinterpreted. You can also expect to receive responses or comments that you had not anticipated. Keep your survey brief and focused. To increase your response rate, think about rewarding respondents with a discount voucher (that can be used immediately) or a free gift.

There are many ways to conduct your survey, including:

1. By post (be sure to include a postage paid reply envelope)

2. Over the web

3. By telephone

4. In person

One professional firm surveyed all 1,200 of their customers and received a phenomenal 50% response. How? The “freebies” were significant – in this case several iPads were given away.

Here’s a sample covering letter

Dear Customer

We are here to provide high quality products and services to all our customers. To help us achieve this, we would greatly appreciate your opinion of our performance. Please take a few minutes to complete the enclosed survey. Responses will help us identify the areas in which we are doing well, as well as those which we need to improve.

Please return your completed survey in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. Please call me if you have any questions.

Yours sincerely,

Your Name

If you are planning a telephone survey, hire someone to do this that has business experience, as much of the benefit comes from the answers to follow-on questions.

To achieve a high response rate, send the actual survey document in advance with a covering letter asking for the recipients assistance.

For more ideas why not get a free copy of our book, click here.

To find out how we can help you and you’re business contact me, click here to see my contact details.

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Is Outsourcing A Way Forward For Your Business?


More and more businesses are outsourcing various functions in order to focus on their main areas of expertise.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What are we doing that is NOT one of our core proficiencies?
  • What do we do that we don’t do well?
  • What could we potentially outsource?

As an example, many businesses have outsourced their entire accounting function to their accountants, achieving significant savings in the process.

As auto enrolment is causing unwanted stress and headaches with many businesses, sourcing a reliable payroll provider is fast becoming critical. Not only can we help you with this but we have held events to inform businesses of the changes and what they need to do.

We can help you with all your accounting and/or payroll requirements so you can free up your time and money and do what you enjoy doing. To book a free meeting so you can discuss your business requirements further, contact me by clicking here for my email address or click here for our contact form.

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Corporation Tax Reductions


From 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015, the main rate of corporation tax is 21% where a company’s profits exceed £1,500,000 (divided by companies under common control). The 20% small profits rate continues to apply to companies with profits up to £300,000 (also divided as above). As previously announced, a single corporation tax rate of 20% will apply from April 2015 whatever your level of profits.

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New Flexible Pensions


There are significant changes being proposed which will make it easier to access your pension fund pot if you have a defined contribution (money purchase) pension scheme. As a general rule, 25% of the pension fund can be taken as a tax free lump sum at age 55, although this age will be increased in future to be 10 years before State Pension age (age 57 in 2028). Remember also that the requirement to buy an annuity at age 75 had already been abolished with the introduction of “flexible drawdown” pensions that are currently available.

From 27 March 2014 the Government have increased the maximum amount you can take out each year from a capped drawdown arrangement from 120% to 150% of an equivalent annuity. For example, if the equivalent annuity rate is 6%, then up to 9% of the fund can now be drawn down each year. This is in response to concerns about low annuity rates which are linked to savings rates.

The Government has published a consultation document to consider proposals to make the drawdown rules even more flexible from April 2015. This would allow you to withdraw more than the current 25% of the fund limit, subject to a tax charge. This charge would be at your marginal tax rate instead of the current penal 55% charge on the fund.

The other significant change being consulted on is the proposal to reduce the current limit of £20,000 guaranteed pension income to just £12,000 a year. Those with this level of guaranteed pension income will be able to draw as much or as little as they wish from their pension fund each year without the 150% of equivalent annuity rule applying.

Agree? Disagree? Do let Unknown know what you think by commenting below.

Capital Taxes


It had already been announced that the CGT annual exempt amount would increase to £11,000 for 2014/15 and £11,100 for 2015/16. With a top CGT rate of 28%, this allowance potentially saves just over £3,000 a year, or £6,000 for a married couple.

There has been no change in the inheritance tax nil rate band, which remains at £325,000 until 2018.

Please contact us if you wish to discuss capital gains tax and inheritance tax planning, as we can help you take advantage of these valuable allowances.

The only significant change to inheritance tax is the proposed extension in the exemption that applies to the military who die on active service to those in the emergency services.

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More Good News For Savers


The 10% starting rate will apply to the first £2,880 of savings income for 2014/15. However, this rate will be abolished and replaced with a zero rate on the first £5,000 of savings income from 2015/16 onwards.

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Important Changes To ISAs


In order to encourage savers, the current £11,520 ISA limit is to be significantly increased to £15,000 from 1 July 2014. Furthermore, the current 50% cash ISA limit of £5,760 is to be abolished so that any combination of cash and stocks and shares can be held within the ISA wrapper up to the overall £15,000 limit. These products will be termed “New ISAs” or NISAs. The Junior ISA limit will increase to £4,000 from 1 July 2014.

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Income Tax Bands


The 20% basic rate band is £31,865 for 2014/15 and will be £31,785 for 2015/16. This means that you pay 40% tax if your taxable income exceeds £41,865 for 2014/15 and £42,285 for 2015/16.

The 45% top rate continues to apply to taxable income over £150,000 for 2014/15.

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Personal Allowances


Personal allowances are fixed for 2014/15 at £10,000, the level promised in the Coalition Agreement. However, the Budget announced that there will be a further (above inflation) increase to £10,500 for 2015/16, in line with the allowance currently available to taxpayers aged 65 to 74. Those aged 75 and over will continue to receive a personal allowance of £10,660. Note that if adjusted net income exceeds £100,000, the personal allowance is reduced by £1 for every £2 over £100,000. This gives an effective rate of 60% on income between £100,000 and £120,000 for 2014/15. Contact us for planning advice to avoid this 60% rate.

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The Key Points From Budget 2014


The Chancellor’s 2014 Budget was clearly aimed at winning the votes of savers, pensioners and those paying for expensive childcare. Increases in ISA limits, a £5,000 zero rate band on savings income, more flexible pension drawdown rules and an increase in the proposed childcare tax relief to £2,000 reflect this goal. There was also good news for businesses with the extension of the Annual Investment Allowance until 31 December 2015 and an increase in the qualifying spend up to £500,000 from April 2014.

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Do you have the right technology for the growth of your business?


Technology is a major driver of business profits. Here is a list of innovations you may want to implement in your business:

1. Document management systems (going paperless)

2. Electronic workflow

3. Multiple monitors

4. Portals

5. “cloud” computing

6. Customer relationship management (CRM) software


There are significant benefits to going paperless:

· Increase in productivity

· Elimination of storage space

· Reduction in expenses

· Ability to work remotely

· Better customer services

· Protection of documents

· Happier team members

There are also significant benefits to being in the “Cloud”:

· Investment – Cloud computing shifts a large portion of your I.T costs from capital outlay to a regular operating expense

· Expense – Reduced I.T expenses as there’s no need for expensive servers, hardware or I.T departments

· Access – Access your data from anywhere in the world with an internet connection

· Scalability – Add users/programs/applications on an as-needed basis, allowing you to adjust system for seasonal peaks and troughs

· Speed – Applications are quicker due to the capacity of the host’s larger operating systems

· Security – Data is backed up (in real time) and stored in multiple secure locations. The threat of having your servers stolen, subject to natural catastrophe such as fire or flood, or being otherwise compromised goes away.

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10 Steps to generating your big idea


After reading an article written by Robert Ashton, I had to share this with you.

Whether you are simply too busy to think, feel that your brain is stagnating or are somewhere between the two extremes, generating the big idea is a daunting challenge. Here are ten ways to start the creative process.

1. Buy a notebook – Keep it in your pocket, beside the bed and everywhere you go. Ideas can strike at any time, be sure to write them down.

2. Ask a friend – Who knows you well. Ask them what they would buy from you, ask them what you’re good at and what they feel you should avoid.

3. Beware of the hobby habit – Many people feel that their hobby holds the key, but are there enough people who share your passion and have money to spend.

4. Watch the weather – Will your idea appeal to your customers all year round? Selling Christmas decorations or hiring bikes might not keep you in business throughout the full year. Perhaps you could run two seasonal business.

5. Read books – Why not pick up some biographies of entrepreneurs you admire. See how they started, often in a small way, and then became household names. What can you learn from their experience and apply to your own situation?

6. Open your eyes – All around you are people running businesses. What do you think you could do better? You may not want to run a coffee shop but, thinking about one you visit every morning could improve your thinking to be more entrepreneurially.

7. Stroll in the park – And other places you only rarely visit. Watch people. What’s missing? Observe, if possible, your potential customers. How can you influence them?

8. Travel – You don’t need to go far. Visit local trade fairs and see what is being promoted. Pose as a buyer and ask questions. Compare your business vision with what you are experiencing.

9. Check your CV – Most people actually start a business in an area in which they have worked before. Don’t take this for granted, but accept it as a possibility all the same.

10. Shake the pig – Emptying you money box onto the bed is the ultimate reality check for a budding entrepreneur. If Auntie Violet has just died and left you with a million, your choice is wide. For most of us though, cash will constrain our start-up plans.

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Develop targets, forecasts and budgets effectively

Once you have a business plan, move on to setting targets for the short and medium term. Do this together with your team, making sure everyone understands them and how they will be achieved. Then make sure everyone agrees that they are achievable. If your team isn’t willing to agree on this, go back to the drawing board.  Next, it’s time to draft financial forecasts for the same periods. There’s a temptation to do these just to satisfy some outside party like as a lender, but they are a key management tool. Highlighting deviations from forecasted numbers allows you to take corrective action more quickly. Your forecasts are dependent on assumptions and estimates, so here it is important to be conservative. The last step in the process is to put together your near-term budgets. This is where team input is critical.  Build budgets from the ground up, i.e. “here are our objectives, how much do you think we need to budget to achieve them?” Rather than “here’s your budget!”  Developing targets forecasts and budgets can be daunting tasks if you do not do them regularly. As accountants, these are our “bread and butter” and we would be pleased to assist you. Call us on 01472 345888 or contact me at Sharon.rose-bloy@aprobinson.biz   For more business tips and ideas why don’t you order a copy of one of our free books.

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A business plan that will work for any business.

  Planning is a key element to running a successful business. To get where you want to go, you’ll need a business plan. Use our previous blog articles to help you. Be clear on your products and services – USP (Unique selling point) Is your business going in the right direction? – SWOT analysis Most businesses don’t have any kind of plan. So, start with a simple plan that pinpoints what you want to achieve.

Here’s an example:
1. In 5 years time, I want the business to be worth £5 million
2. To achieve this, it must make annual profits of at least £1.5 million
3. To achieve this, it must have sales of £10 million
4. I need to increase my sales by, on average, £1 million a year
5. To do this,
I will need to:
A. Increase my customer base by 15%
B. Increase the number of times my customers buy from me by 20%
C. Raise prices by 10%    

Having developed a basic plan, it’s time to identify the constraints you think may get in the way of successful implementation.

Consider the following:
1. Inside the business, what are the principal constraints on our growth? Some possibilities: · Lack of capital (financing) · Lack of credit from suppliers · Too many customers owing you money · Underperforming owners / attitude issues · Underperforming staff / attitude issues · Internal conflicts · Lack of direction · Outdated technology · Lack of marketing · Missing skills · Retirement and succession issues · Undesirable customers · Excessive payroll · High occupancy costs    
2. Outside the business, what are the principle constraints on our growth? · The economy · Regulations · Competition · Demographics · Energy prices · Shipping costs  

What you should find is that you can’t do much about the outside constraints but you can do a lot about the internal constraints. For more business tips, why don’t you download our free “57 Ways to Grow your Business” book.  For a one to one meeting to make sure your getting the most from your business plan, contact Sharon Rose-Bloy to arrange a convenient time and date at sharon.rose-bloy@aprobinson.biz.

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Join our Monthly Prize Draw

Olivers wine winner January
Throughout 2014 we are running a monthly draw. Each month all of our new and existing followers on Twitter who tweet us an interesting fact, will be entered into a monthly draw. If you are the lucky winner you will be notified and asked your preference of wine. You will also be mentioned as our winner in our newsletter that’s reaches over 2000 recipients.
If you don’t already follow us on twitter you can search for us on twitter @aprobinsonandco or click this link www.twitter.com/aprobinsonandco
Happy Tweeting

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Turn your customers into your sales people

Customer referrals can be a very effective way to grow your business and your brand awareness. Many of you might have heard or even offer referral agreements. Why not advertise this more to you clients / customer base, give them an incentive to refer you. If you run a business based on subscriptions or pay monthly services, you could offer one month half price for each referral your clients / customers bring you. There are many things you could offer, vouchers, money, a bottle of wine, a discount voucher on your products or services.  You might think you are giving things away but ultimately you are growing your business. Let’s say one of your clients spends £1000 on an annual basis on your products / services, you could offer a £100 voucher; redeemable against your products or services for each referral they bring you. If they introduce their neighbour who also brings you £1000 on an annual basis, you not only gain a new client / customer but, that £100 voucher will come back into your business, so ultimately, you have not lost anything. In some circumstances your client or customer who was awarded the £100 voucher, might love the products or service so much that they add this to their annual spend with you.

If you would like more ideas on growing your business click here to get a copy of our 57 Ways to Grow Your Business book or Contact Me to book your free meeting. We're more than just accountants, we're your business advisors who will help your business flourish. Click here for my contact details.

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The powerful interview question

If you are an employer, you may have gone through a number of interviews trying to find the right candidate for a position you need filling within your business.

Do you have a set number of questions you ask the candidates or do you have a specific question you always ask?

There is one question that is very powerful and can give you an opening to many more questions. You will also get a better understanding of the candidate and how they could fit in with your business and the role they are applying for.

The Question: Throughout your whole career, what would you consider your biggest achievement?
Thinking about this question in your head, what would your answer be? The candidate may take a few moments to answer but when they do you could follow on with a number of other questions like;

1. How did this achievement make you feel?
2. What job role were you in at the time?
3. What was it that you felt you achieved?
4. What were there figures or results achieved?
5. What plans did you put in place to make this achievement happen?
6. Do you think this achievement helped you better your role?
7. Looking back if you did this again, is there anything you would change or do differently?
8. Did you get any recognition from your managers?
9. Did you use any specific skills to reach this achievement?
10. How did this achievement come about, was it an idea you or someone else had, was it a project you needed do as part of your daily duties?

As you can see using that one simple question has so many follow on questions you can ask. Not only are you getting a better understanding of the candidate but, you are getting to know them as a person rather than asking tough and clever interview questions.
Sharon Rose-Bloy

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Be clear on your products and services.

Do you have a clear view of where to position your products and services in the marketplace? A useful tool for deciding how to ‘position’ your products and services is the Porter Generic Strategy Model (developed by Michael E. Porter (1998), Harvard Business School Professor and Author of numerous texts on strategy).

If you think of Rolls Royce, they go after a niche market with a very high attention to detail and quality for a premium price. But, when you look at Asda, they use low price strategy and go after the whole market. However, quality and attention to detail is less important

Taking a look at the following companies, where would you place them in the grid?

· Easy jet
· Primark
· Prada
· Ford
· Apple
· Mercedes-Benz

Total Market Focus Niche Market Focus
Low / Modest Price
Other Differentiation

After looking at those companies, where do you feel you fit in? Which part of the grid do you want to fall into?
Sharon Rose-Bloy

Agree? Disagree? Do let Unknown know what you think by commenting below.

Join our monthly prize draw

Olivers wine winner January

Throughout 2014 we are running a monthly draw. Each month all of our new and existing followers on Twitter who tweet us an interesting fact, will be entered into a monthly draw. If you are the lucky winner you will be notified and asked your preference of wine. You will also be mentioned as our winner in our newsletter that’s reaches over 2000 recipients.

If you don’t already follow us on twitter you can search for us on twitter @aprobinsonandco or click this link www.twitter.com/aprobinsonandco

Happy Tweeting

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Is your business going in the right direction?


Whether you’re a new business or a long established business, you should always carry out a SWOT analysis. Conducting a SWOT analysis will give you an overview of four key areas within your business. You will be able to see the positives, negatives and areas where you can improve your business. We would recommend that you conduct a SWOT analysis on an annual basis but, you must keep it up to date in order to grow and develop your business.

When did you do your last SWOT analysis?

Carrying out a SWOT analysis will help you to identify your company’s:

· Strengths

· Weaknesses

· Opportunities

· Threats

Use your SWOT analysis to set your ‘actions for improvement’ for your business development and growth.

Some important questions you should ask yourself are:


What are we really good at?

What are our unique skills?

Where do we outperform our competitors?


What are we really poor at?

What resources are we short of?

Where are we at a competitive disadvantage?


How could we improve our sales?

How could we improve our efficiency?

What are the new products/services/niche markets could be added?


What regulations are changing?

What products/services are losing demand?

What resources are difficult to find?

What are our competitors doing?

To find out more tips/information, why not download a copy of our

Book “57 Ways to Grow Your Business” Here

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